Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Dark Cloud

I'm trapped within the maze of life,
I don't remember exactly how or when I got here,
But I have wandered and searched everywhere,
Finding a way out of this maze,
Every second in the maze was like minutes,
And every minute in the maze was like hours,
But I can't seem to find my way out,
And every step changes the course of this maze,
Will this never ending change cease?
Is this the end of the road, for me?

I'm starting to feel the cold breeze,
I'm feeling the trickles of rain,
The shivers it sends down my spines,
I know that I don't have much time,
And I know that must make a choice,
Between comfort or happiness.

The dark cloud watches, looks down upon me,
With a grin on his face, waiting for the chance that I might fall,
Falling down into oblivion, consumed by fear,hatred and loneliness,
Waiting for the moment, when I call for him,
To ensure that I lose myself forever and he,
Becomes the new host for the empty shell.

Times running out, and I know,
That I'm not strong enough,that I cannot do this alone,
I need my light, my other half,
I have to find it before I falter and turn into ash,
Before it consumes me, before I fade and lose myself,
I will need the strength, courage and confidence,
To stand, fight and hold as long as I can,
Until I find 'it' I will not give up.

Friday, May 20, 2011


Have you ever, thought,every time you wake up,
That when you walk towards your class, anxiously waiting to see your friends,
Only just to be, a sideshow in the within the circle,
Have you ever felt, like you try too hard,
To get them to notice you, to get to know them better,

But one things for sure, that they're not interested in you,
Your life,
As you're not the main cast of the show, you are merely a background,

And I have too say, that I am trying my very best,
I tried to be there for you, tried to cheer you up,
But you always think that I'm not worth your time,
I always asked myself, asked myself what was wrong with me,
What can I do, just to be seen and heard, to be accepted
For once I want them just to believe in me,
As I know that I am being underestimated.

Have you ever felt, that no matter what you do,
No one never seem to care, nor bother to or talk to me,
They think that I'm not smart as them,I am too dumb too understand
Well guess what, its not just books thats part of my life,

Everything, every conversation,topic, nothings seems to have excluded books,
To me, life is not just about books, it is way than that.

And I have to say, if thats the way you see me,
Then I don't really want to waste my time,
I guess its time to think about myself,
I don't want to give a damn about you,
If thats what makes you happy,
Fine by me, I'll go my own way,
I'll live my life and take a breath,
My absence and my presence seems the same to you,
I've been underestimated, and I will show you all,
That I can live without you.

To me, music is my soul, it moves me in more ways than one and it was always there to soothe and calm me when I am down. Those who told me that taking music as a subject was a waste to time and money should get lost. What do they understand about music? Music is my life, as are books/art/computer/etc is life to you.

(P.S to all, whenever someone tells you that your dreams are just a waste of time and effort, just think about it, are you just going to sit there and agree that your dream/life ambition is worth giving up over just because someone said so? Well, no, not everyone gets their dream fulfilled just being given on a silver platter, some of us work to our very bones to pursue our dreams. We have to work hard and show them that they are wrong to underestimate our capabilities. But also, don't for forget to respect your friends who does not share your dreams, or you will change, from victim to one of them,the underestimator) :)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Sorrowful and Drenched Furor

I feel like my heart, is racing with anger
The cool composure of my mind is gone,
Why do I feel, dazed and sad
The surge within me,
I feel like just breaking out.

But why do I feel the sorrow and pain
I shouldn't be having this feeling
But I cant help myself
What should I do to end, the fog.

The storm is arriving and the rain has fallen
Each raindrop feels safe and happy.
Drenched in the rain
But I feel that deep down my heart,
Feel the pain and my worries have been rendered asunder.

So please... my soothing,cold,wet rain
Please just wash all the pain away,
And just take to the rainbow when you leave

Let the light, shine on me
Let the colours of the rainbow
Let them guide me to the end.

Life's Newest Revolution

It feels like an eternity since I have broke away
From my own shell
Where I was trapped in eternal, and endless cycle of a lunar eclipse

Since then, everything had changed
The sky looks so different from before,
It is calm,soothing, filled with a tiny shred of hope
Together with the warmth from the sun
I feel like I am home.

Though the seasons and weather has changed
Everything around me still feels the same..
But why then, do I feel
Deep within me, something has changed.
Though I carry past experiences with me,
I feel, braver, daring, much more stronger than before.

Deep inside me, I gained more courage,
To stand up for myself and fight for what I truly believed in.
I gained the strength,
To tell some of my 'friends' face to face,
That I am no longer afraid of them,
Their influence no longer hold, and bind me for life,
To mold me into their own clay

Now, the only strings controlling my future, is set by the choices that i make
No way I am going to sit in front of 'friends',ignored
And just smile like a fool, a fool for feeling alone and trapped.

I have move beyond that phase, and now,I shall say this kindly,
''I don't mean to be rude, but I feel neglected''

And if that doesn't work, then I will say
''If that is the case, then I don't need you in my life anymore, have a nice day, goodbye'' :)
Because in the end, the only thing that they have lost is a true friend.
And the only thing you have lost, is a puppeteer.