Everything seems to fall out of place,
I had overlooked many things, I had miscalculated the course of future,
But no matter, I shall embrace the unknown,
The darkness that awaits the humans in every path chosen.
There, u will find the truth behind the lies, the lies behind the truth,
To find is to lose, and to lose is to find,
Sacrifices must be made when a path is chosen.
Let experience and lessons guide to to the everlasting light,the gate of destiny,
For me, I have yet to linger between the realms of darkness and light,
Twilight I call it, Neither here nor there,
I embrace the darkness, yet I yearn for light.
But know this my child, even in the brightest light, there is always darkness the lurks within it,
But also know that in the deepest depth of darkness,
know that you'll find a spark of light waiting to be called.
Accept that they are your teachers, masters, guides to the gates of destiny,
Let yourself not be consumed by eternal light, nor eternal darkness,
Even if you do succumb to these either of these masters,
Look for the other, he's always there waiting to be called,
Ready to face its opposite twin.
Dear child, know that you will need them both in order to face:
Gaia, Chaos, Nynx, Tartarus, and lastly, Chronos.
This is the path of twilight. The choice is yours my dear child,
Should u wish to chose the sun or a black hole,
Or as I had; the twilight road to dawn.
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